How to Download Chrome 80 and Why You Should Do It
Google Chrome is one of the most popular and widely used web browsers in the world. It offers a fast, secure, and easy browsing experience, with many features and extensions to enhance your web surfing. In this article, we will show you how to download and install the latest version of Chrome, which is Chrome 80, and why you should do it.
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What is Chrome 80 and What are its Features?
Chrome 80 is the latest version of Google's web browser
Chrome 80 was released on February 4, 2020, for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS devices. It is a major update that brings many improvements and changes to the browser. Chrome 80 is also more secure and faster than previous versions, as it implements new standards and technologies for the web.
Chrome 80 has several new features, including:
Autoupgrading mixed content to HTTPS
Mixed content refers to web pages that load some resources over HTTP and some over HTTPS. This can compromise the security and privacy of the users, as HTTP resources can be intercepted or modified by attackers. Chrome 80 automatically upgrades mixed audio and video resources to HTTPS, and blocks them if they fail to load. Mixed images are still allowed to load, but they will cause Chrome to mark the page as "Not Secure" in the address bar. In future versions, Chrome will also upgrade mixed images to HTTPS and block them if they fail.
SameSite cookie changes
Cookies are small pieces of data that websites store in your browser to remember your preferences, settings, or login information. However, some cookies can also be used by third-party websites or advertisers to track your online activity across different sites. This can pose a risk to your privacy and security. Chrome 80 introduces a new attribute for cookies called SameSite, which allows websites to specify how their cookies should be treated by the browser. By default, cookies will only be sent to the same site that created them, unless they have the SameSite=None attribute and are served over HTTPS. This will prevent cross-site cookies from being used for tracking or other malicious purposes.
Quieter permission UI for notifications
Notifications are pop-ups that websites can send to your browser to alert you of new messages, updates, or offers. However, some websites abuse this feature by sending too many or unwanted notifications, or by asking for permission to send notifications in a disruptive way. Chrome 80 introduces a quieter permission UI for notifications, which replaces the usual pop-up with a small icon in the address bar. You can click on the icon to allow or block notifications from that site, or you can enable the quieter UI for all sites in the settings. This will make your browsing experience less annoying and more enjoyable.
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Modules in workers
Workers are a way for web developers to run JavaScript code in the background, without blocking the main thread of the browser. This can improve the performance and responsiveness of web applications that perform heavy computations or tasks. Chrome 80 adds support for modules in workers, which means that workers can use JavaScript 80 and Chrome 79?
Chrome 80 is the latest version of Google's web browser, which was released on February 4, 2020. Chrome 80 has several new features and improvements, such as autoupgrading mixed content to HTTPS, SameSite cookie changes, quieter permission UI for notifications, modules in workers, optional chaining in JavaScript, and new origin trials and graduated features. Chrome 79 is the previous version of Google's web browser, which was released on December 10, 2019. Chrome 79 also had some new features and improvements, such as password checkup, real-time phishing protection, tab freezing, WebXR Device API, and more.
How can I switch back to Chrome 79 if I don't like Chrome 80?
There is no official way to switch back to Chrome 79 if you have already updated to Chrome 80. However, you can try some unofficial methods, such as downloading an older version of Chrome from a third-party website, disabling the automatic updates for Chrome, or using a different browser that supports Chrome extensions. However, these methods are not recommended, as they may expose you to security risks or compatibility issues. It is better to stick with Chrome 80 and report any problems or feedback to Google.
How can I disable the quieter permission UI for notifications in Chrome 80?
If you prefer the old pop-up UI for notifications in Chrome 80, you can disable the quieter permission UI in the settings. To do this, go to the three-dot menu icon, select "Settings", and then click on "Site Settings". Under the "Permissions" section, click on "Notifications". You will see a toggle that says "Use quieter messaging (blocks notification prompts from interrupting you)". Turn it off to disable the quieter permission UI for notifications.
How can I enable the optional chaining feature in JavaScript in Chrome 80?
The optional chaining feature in JavaScript is enabled by default in Chrome 80. You don't need to do anything to use it in your code. However, if you want to disable it for some reason, you can go to chrome://flags and search for "Experimental JavaScript". You will see a flag that says "Experimental JavaScript features". Change it from "Default" to "Disabled" and restart Chrome. This will disable the optional chaining feature and other experimental JavaScript features in Chrome 80.
How can I sign up for the origin trials in Chrome 80?
If you are a web developer and want to test some of the new features in Chrome 80 that are still in origin trials, you can sign up for them on the Chrome Origin Trials website. You will need to provide your email address and the URL of your website or web app that you want to test. You will then receive a token that you need to add to your website or web app's HTML code. The token will enable the feature for your website or web app on Chrome 80 for a limited time and a limited number of users. You can also monitor the usage and feedback of the feature on the website.